Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How to Make the World a Better Place

It doesn't take anything earthshaking, no enormous amount of money-I just need to start by making a better me.

Attitude- I can adjust my attitude, try to be positive and willing to help others.

Be Kind- I can be kind to those around me from the youngest to the oldest.

Compassion- I can be compassionate and caring.

Dedicated- I can be dedicated to my faith and desire to stand strong in my convictions.

Endure- I can keep going when times are tough and edure the trials with the strength God gives.

Faithful- I can be faithful to God and to those I have in my family and circle of friends. I can be faithful to do the tasks that others have trusted me with.

Good- I can try to be a good person, morale, honest, loyal and a good neighbor.

Honest- I can be honest in my dealings with others and train my children to deal honestly with everyone.

We can improve our world one person and one day at a time. Our influence is farther reaching than we know. Our friends, neighbors and especially our family follow our examples and our children mimic our behavior. If we are bullies at home, our children will feel free to bully at school. Unkindness spreads as quickly as wildfire. Let's spread kindness person to person throughout our world.

Scrapbookers are usually the sensitive folks in the group and we are blessed daily by so many people that we have met though this hobby.Kudos to you all.


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